Detecting rotating loosness using Vibration Analysis

The trouble with the varnish
September 4, 2018
Ezz Steel Sadat
September 24, 2018

Detecting rotating loosness using Vibration Analysis



This Case was at NCC – National Cement Company in Egypt at the ID Fan, at the Fan DE Bearing, the bearing was rotating inside the bearing housing as the clearance between the bearing and bearing housing increased due to wearing at the housing, it was the first time for us in this cement company, and there was no routine monitoring at this fan for the last two years

The solution:

The Action Taken:

There was no Stock of this Bearing Housing at their store, so we are forced to open the bearing housing and put shims between the bearing and bearing housing, and the clearance was 0.1 mm

The following spectrum and time signal for the measurements taken after putting the shims and running the fan one more time