Day 2: session 1: Applying RCM Within the Asset Management Context
- Speaker: Jesus R. Siftone
- Topic Details: Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) is the most successful method we have for developing failure consequence management policies to sustain the functional performance of our physical assets. Despite its name, it goes well beyond maintenance to include operational, engineering, procedural, process, and training outcomes. It can touch on many aspects of our businesses if we utilize physical assets – and these days, just about everyone does. Since RCM has such broad implications, then where does it fit in modern business management systems? We will present RCM with an Asset and Risk Management approach to ensure the effort is aligned not only to the Maintenance Department’s goals but also with the whole organization’s objectives
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Day 2: Session 2: From RCM-R® to Maintenance Task Analysis
- Speaker: Lucas Marino
- Topic Details: RCM is a process to determine what must be done for assets to continue delivering what their owners want them to do under a specific operating context. Many organizations struggle to obtain optimal results from Reliability Centered Maintenance despite its proven efficacy in many industrial sectors. There are many reasons for it, including improper task logistics at the implementation phase. MTA (Maintenance Task Analysis) defines detailed maintenance task requirements such as type of worker, training, tools, spares, etc., once the RCM-R analysis defines the tasks. RCM-R and MTA are applicable across the various asset life cycle phases. Their combined use enables users to determine the broad failure consequence managements strategies, the particular tasks stemming from them and, all the supporting logistics for ensuring assets render maximum value for the organization.
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